Rural farming policy

Brexit and agricultural policy

Q1 2017

The vote to leave the European Union has created the first opportunity in over 40 years for the UK to design its own agricultural, and environmental, policies.

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This is an exciting opportunity as, although the Common Agricultural Policy has some supporters, it is widely viewed in the UK as bureaucratic, ineffective and not producing as much benefit for farmers and the general public as it could.

Strutt & Parker will produce a series of papers on the future British agricultural policy to keep readers up-to-date with what is being proposed by the government and other bodies (like the National Farmers’ Union, National Farmers’ Union Scotland, Country Land and Business Association, Tenant Farmers Association, National Trust, and leading thinkers).

We will critically review how the proposals might affect what happens on farms and profitability.

This first paper summarises what a number of organisations have said they want from the new policy. It will be regularly updated.

Click here to read the full document.

For more information, contact:
Will Gemmill, Head of Farming
Jason Beedell, Research
George Chichester, Head of Farming Research Group