Land Management

Working with private estates and other landowners to manage the full range of their property assets in an efficient and rewarding way.

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Strutt & Parker’s national land management team manage more than 1.5 million acres of land across the length and breadth of the UK and an extensive rural business and property portfolio.

We provide strategic business advice and practical management services to clients including private estates, local authorities, charities, institutional investors and utility companies.

Maximise the potential of rural assets

The priority of our team of experienced rural surveyors is to ensure that each client’s land and property is managed to meet the objectives that matter most to them.

We have a proven track record in supporting landowners to make the most of their rural assets, to fulfil both business and personal objectives.

Tailored service

Our input will be tailored according to an individual’s requirements. It can range from strategic business advice and long-term tax planning, through to hands-on management of the whole estate, handling all the day-to-day decision making.

We act for private estates that have been in the family for generations, as well individuals and businesses who have more recently acquired land and rural business holdings.

Traditional values, modern outlook

The land management department has been at the heart of the Strutt & Parker business since we were formed in 1885.

The challenges facing landowners are very different to those of 130 years ago and estates need solutions that fit the modern world. However, we still believe in the traditional values of long-term relationships, honesty and integrity.

National presence, local knowledge

Today the department is headed up by Rhodri Thomas and provides clients with a tailored service covering all aspects of land and estate management.

We have offices nationwide so we understand the crucial differences between England, Scotland and Wales in areas such as tenancies and property law.

Our clients also have access to the expertise of the wider Strutt & Parker team with specialists in areas such as planning, farm management, renewable energy and commercial development.

Examples of the type of work that the team are involved with include:

  • Strategic estate planning
  • Estate management
  • Property management
  • Diversification
  • Public access
  • Property law
  • Planning
  • Valuations
  • Minerals and waste
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Land law and covenants
  • Staff recruitment
  • Tax issues
  • Accountancy
  • Landlord and tenant issues
  • Forestry & woodland agency and consultancy
  • Compulsory purchase
  • Sporting
  • Grants and subsidies

Strutt & Parker Land Management Services

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