Strategic Rural Estate Reviews and Planning

A strategic plan is key to the successful management of a modern estate, ensuring decisions are made which fit with long-term business objectives.

At the heart of strategic rural estate planning is identifying what matters most to our clients and how they want to see their business develop.

A good strategic plan allows agricultural, residential and commercial property assets to be managed effectively and efficiently, informs key decisions and guides the day-to-day running of the estate.

Meeting personal objectives

We work with clients draw up plans which will ensure the ownership and management of an estate is enjoyable, as well as rewarding financially.

Our team can assess the current performance of your business and advise on whether all your assets are being used to their potential.

Challenges such as how to bring in the next generation, developing a new enterprise and tax planning can also be addressed.

Identify new opportunities

We can identify where there might be new opportunities and put in place workable, realistic solutions to key challenges.

Strutt & Parker's land agents have years of experience in implementing changes which will maintain the economic viability and profitability of estates.

Help to change direction

Steering what are often long-established business in a newly profitable direction can feel daunting.

We can handle on your behalf all the practical, legal, administrative and regulatory considerations.

We are sensitive to family, tradition and local feeling and will always come up with the best solution for our clients taking all these factors into account.

Wide range of specialist help

With offices across the UK our agents are able to provide informed advice and commercial intelligence to enable long-term planning regarding buildings, houses and land.

Our land managers are also able to draw on the expertise of colleagues in our commercial, leisure & hotels, planning and sporting departments to help map out out a realistic plan for an estate.