Rural farming basic payment scheme

Basic Payment Scheme: Greening | August 2017

Q3 2017

Impact of the European Parliament’s decision to ban plant protection products on Ecological Focus Areas | The European Parliament has voted in favour of a ban on the use of plant protection products (PPPs) on fallow, cover and catch crops, and nitrogen-fixing crops on Ecological Focus Areas.

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The ban applies from the time of sowing the crop, even if this is before 1 January 2018, to harvesting. The ban also applies to seed dressings.

The reason for the ban is to increase the environmental benefit from EFAs, due to concerns that they produce little benefit at present. Policy makers seem to now be thinking about the quality of management of EFAs, which environmental bodies would say is at least as important as the area they cover. Greening was introduced to improve the environmental performance of farming, with a new Greening payment 'for agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and environment' paid in addition to the Basic Payment Scheme from 2015.

The ban is likely to have an impact on EFA option selection. Peas and beans, which have been a popular choice since EFA obligations began, are going to be less popular if they can’t be treated with PPPs as the gross margins are already tight.

Buffer strips and hedgerows will now be a very attractive way to meet EFA requirements due to their strong weighting and minimal impact to current farming operations. Fallow and / or catch and cover crops may be needed to meet any shortfall. Farms with Stewardship agreements (excluding Higher Level Stewardship agreements) should consider cheap cover and catch crops to limit income reduction from double funding and taking more land out of production than is necessary.

The NFU is discussing how the changes will be implemented with DEFRA and the RPA, and this briefing note will be updated if there are any changes.

Greening payments

The Greening payment is incorporated within the Basic Payment and is made in return for the provision of certain agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and the environment. The measures involved are in addition to the Cross Compliance obligations.

The Greening measures involve three obligations – Ecological Focus Areas (EFAs), Crop Diversification and Permanent Pasture.

EFA options

EFA obligations apply to all farms and must be 5% or more of the arable land unless they qualify for one of the exemptions (see end of this note). There are six options which count towards EFA obligations:

  • Fallow land
  • Buffer strips
  • Hedges
  • Catch crops
  • Cover crops
  • Nitrogen-fixing crops

These options must be located on the arable land area, with the exception of hedges and buffer strips, which must be adjacent to, or within five metres of, the arable land.

The advantages and disadvantages of each EFA option are listed below and should be considered when deciding which EFA options to choose and how they interact with your cropping plan and / or Stewardship agreement.

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