Advice to Landlords
Properties are as individual as the objectives of the landlord, so our guidance for any two clients is never the same.
However, our landlord advice below gives some general pointers to prospective landlords - whether the property will always be an investment or will be needed for your own use in the future:
The general rule is that smaller properties or those of modest proportions should be offered furnished, while large properties, or those let for a longer period of time, should be unfurnished.
Presentation is everything
Make sure the property is thoroughly cleaned throughout, and carpets are in good condition or have been replaced.
Go for neutrals
Tenants are often attracted by a neutral and modern interior finish, so try to cater to the contemporary tastes of today's tenants. Uncomplicated furnishings will make a lettings property look more spacious as well.
During marketing, make sure you or your estate agent keeps the property looking its best. Don't let junk mail build up on the doorstep, or let the house or garden deteriorate in any way. During winter months it is crucial that your property is warm and well lit.
When to launch?
In the case of family houses, the ideal time to launch is from spring to early summer, because many families wish to be settled before the new school year in September.
Your agent
Make sure that you receive several valuations and that your agent has a good track record for the type of property you own. If choosing more than one estate agent, ensure that they don't put a 'board jungle' outside your property.
If you would like to find out more about letting a
property through Strutt & Parker, please
get in touch to request
an appointment.